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Commercial Billboard Advertising
Providing businesses with all day advertising coverage
SIGNCO provides a simple, effortless way for you to market your business, event, product or best of all yourself. With over 20 years of experience within the billboard industry, we are confident in our abilities to help you achieve your business goals. In order to offer you the best, most highly effective advertising opportunities, our billboards are strategically placed in high visibility areas with high traffic counts, giving your sign the best coverage possible.
Billboard Features Include:
Static sign faces
Digital sign faces
Lit sign faces

We are ready to exceed your expectations and service your advertising needs through innovative solutions!
Billboard Availability
Located in a high traffic location on the 116th bypass, this billboard features the perfect location for attracting and capturing the attention of the substantial amount of commercial and industrial traffic headed to and from 4-mile corner to the city.

North - 116th Street
Located near the busy corner of Bear Creek Golf Course, this sign captures a high volume of bypass traffic coming north from Westgate/Costco Shopping Center, west from Prairie Mall, and south/east from rural residential areas. Plus, it offers 24/7 advertising. A great way to capture the attention of active shoppers!

Bear Creek Golf Course - 116th Street & 132nd Avenue
North of Prairie mall on main street, this sign captures north & southbound traffic on the way out to the County industrial park and beyond. Great for capturing travellers from Peace River & Edmonton, or those daily commuters living in Clairmont or Sexsmith.

North - 100th Street & 136th Avenue

One of the busiest roads in Grande Prairie, this double-sided sign sees traffic coming north & south on Resources Road, near Canadian Tire & the Bell Tower Plaza. You're guaranteed to get noticed here!
North - Resource Road(South face is digital/North face is static)
Daily Traffic Counts

16,578 vehicles/day
20,697 vehicles/day
(24/7 Advertising)
21,000 vehicles/day
18,453 vehicles/day
To find out additional information on each billboard, click on the corresponding number found on the map.
Map - Billboard Locations
Contact Information

For additional information on pricing, availability & more, please feel free to contact us.
Availability, Pricing & Business Inquiries
Tab Pollock
(780) 512-6130
Account & Administration
Lori Pollock
(780) 814-9988
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